Monday, November 09, 2015

Meet Olusanya Hamid A.K.A Titus (Meet The Aspirants- Lasusu Election 2015/2016)

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When we told you that we're bringing something hot to your table, I'm sure you were getting ready. Lasuites, I present  you 


As you read alongGod bless you

LeopawsBlogWho are you? Can you give us a brief account about yourself 
Titus: Olusanya Hamid Tobiloba A.K.A Titus, a 300L student of Fisheries and aquatic biology department, Faculty of Sciences, aspiring for the post of Lasusu General Secretary 2015/2016 Session

LeopawsBlogWhat is your political ambition?  By going for this position, what do u plan on achieving?
Titus: If I'm elected as the incoming Lasusu General Secretary, I would ensure that I prevent any omission that might want to occur in the execution of my duty as a general secretary in the Student Executive Council. 
Secondly,I would always be a vibrant or ensure to be vibrant, outstanding, remarkable head administrative officer of the student executive council as it was stated according to the Lasusu Constitution Section 30 Sub Section 6A that the General Secretary shall be the administrative officer of the student representative council.

LeopawsBlogWhat are the qualities you possess that you think stands you out among your opposition?
Titus: Concerning the 3rd Question which speaks about qualities, I think there are some things as a guy I've always been working with to be successful in life because to be successful in life, there are some things you need to stick to. Firstly, Seeking God's direction. Secondly, You prepare yourself. Thirdly, You work hard and invest in the right thing. When I mean seeking God's direction, I knew the question mean what makes me stand out amongst other. I think those qualities I mentioned earlier are the things that makes me stand out and if they have, I don't think its up to what I possess. I'm prepared to emerge as The General Secretary with God on my side and I will work hard to protect the interest of the students. The time I'm supposed to be fighting for Lasuites right, I'll never be in class and when I'm suppose to face my book squarely I'll never be on the pitch. Thank you

LeopawsBlog:The election process looks to be tough and feisty,  what preparation have you put in place to make sure you're victorious?
Titus:Yes, The Campaign process is really tough because the the day that the ban was lifted to the Election date is very close and we aspirants have a short period of campaigning and carving out the necessary things we have to do to be victorious in the forthcoming election but as an aspirant, I think what I've been doing to make sure I become victorious in the forthcoming election is my primary assignment which are publicity and creating awareness and giving a huge and awesome manifesto to the people and standing on it not just saying it. A lot of people have been saying we aspirants are fake but I'm using this medium to tell all lasuites that I'm going to fulfil the promises I made to them when I emerge victorious. Thank you

LeopawsBlogWe're sure you have your campaign team and supporters out there, any word of appreciation for them?
Titus: Yes, A big shutout and appreciation to all my supporters, my team (#TeamTitus), all my supporters from all faculty, I'm really grateful and I promise I won't let you guys down and I'll never disappoint you. Thank you

Its Still #Meet The Aspirants- Lasusu Election 2015/2016

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